Irish, Gaeilge Ireland

níl aon tóin tinn mar do thóin thinn féin.

Expression USED Frequently BY Many people

(there's no sore arse like your own sore arse) • It means your own problems seem more important to you than anyone else’s. It’s a play on words of the proverb "níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin" (there’s no hearth like your own hearth, or, there's no place like home)

Person A complains of something. Person B agrees and shares a similar complaint. Person A says that’s not the same thing. Person B responds, “Bhfuel, níl aon tóin tinn mar do thóin thinn féin!”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Frequently BY many people

(adverb) • (nottrue) • Used at the end of a sentence to ask for confirmation, like the English use of "right".

"Het is lekker weer vandaag, nietwaar?"

"The weather is great today, nottrue?"

Confirmed by 9 people

Czech Czechia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Many people

(little moons) • Used to describe period.

“Co se děje, je ti zle?” “Asi budu mít měsíčky.”

“Wassup, are you feeling unwell?” “I will have my little months soon.”



Albanian Albania

bie shi mi litarë

Expression USED On Occasion BY Many people

(It's raining with ropes) • Used in cases of heavy rainfall, when the rain looks like uninterrupted "ropes" of water.

"E di si është jashtë? Sot bie shi me litar!"

"Do you know what's going on outside? Today it's raining with ropes!"

German Rhineland, Germany

du Otto

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY many people

(you Otto) • It is a expression to playfully insult someone, reminding them that they said/did something a little bit dumb. It normally meant not to be taken seriously.

"Das war die falsche Kiste, du Otto."

"That was the wrong box, you Otto."

Confirmed by 2 people